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BATUM 45 mint NH CV $200.00 (ID # 96292)
94969b - BRITISH Occupation of BATUM - STAMP - SG # 11/18 Mint Hinged MH
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Batum #58/165 Unused Single
Batum #17-20 Unused Single
Batum #1-6 Unused Single (Complete Set)
BC Batum 1919-20 Issues Sc 49 KEY Value MLH F,Vf & Most Scarce Scv$1,600
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BC Batum 1919-20 Issues Sc 48 KEY Value MLH F,Vf & Most Scarce Scv$975.00
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Batum Georgia Georgia Private issue Cat Cat Chat (II) animal animal animal gold-
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Batum Georgia Georgia Private issue Cat Cat Chat (II) animal animal animal gold-
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Batum Georgia Private Issue Cat Cat Chat Animal Animal Silver Argent Silver-
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Batum Georgia Private Issue Dog Dog Animal Animal Silver Silver Silver-
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Batum Georgia Georgia Private issue Cat Cat Chat (II) animal animal animal gold-
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Batum Georgia Private Issue S/S Block Cat Cat Animal Cat Silver Silver-
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Batum Georgia Private Issue Cat Cat Chat (II) Animal Animal Silver Argent Silver-
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Batum Georgia Georgia Private Issue Cat Cat Animal Animal Gold-
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Batum Georgia Private Issue S/S Block Cat Cat (II) Animal Tier Silver-
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Batum-Rusia-10Th Anniv-International Asia Stamps Show-Lovely Giant Pandas
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Batum-Rusia-10Th Anniv-International Asia Stamps Show-Lovely Giant Pandas
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94976 - BRITISH Occupation of BATUM - STAMP - SG # 14/18 Block of 4 - USED
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94971h - BRITISH Occupation of BATUM - STAMP - SG # 30a Fine USED
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94968a - BRITISH Occupation of BATUM - STAMP - SG # 42/44 Mint Hinged MH 42/44
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94971a - BRITISH Occupation of BATUM - STAMP - SG # 29 Mint Hinged MH
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94971e - BRITISH Occupation of BATUM - STAMP - SG # 35 Mint Hinged MH
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94971d - BRITISH Occupation of BATUM - STAMP - SG # 34 Mint Hinged MH
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94971i - BRITISH Occupation of BATUM - STAMP - SG # 31 Fine USED
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Batum 1994 MUSHROOMS - SCOUTS Sheetlet (6) + Souvenir Sheet MNH
Batum British Occupation O/Printed SCT # 15-20,57-65+1919 Types O/Printed 1920
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Batum 1920 25r on 5k yellow-green (blue surch) very fine used. SG 42a. Sc 52.
Batum 1920 25r on 25k orange-yellow (black surch) very fine used. SG 43. Sc 53.
Batum 1920 25r on 25k orange-yellow (blue surch) very fine used. SG 43a. Sc 54.
D412526 Batum S/S MNH Flowers
94971f - BRITISH Occupation of BATUM - STAMP - SG # 36 Mint Hinged MH
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Batum Scott #25 Mint Hinged counterfeit
Batum 2000 WWF - Buffalo imperf sheetlet on shiney card w...
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Batum 2000 Maserati Souvenir Sheet MNH
Batum 1994 Dogs - Sheepdog embossed in silver foil unmoun...
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Batum 1994 Fungi - St Georges Mushroom 200r with Scout em...
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Batum 39 Used - NO Faults Very Fine! - ZMU
Batum 1996 Sports - Golf 2400 value individual imperf she...
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Batum 1998 Dinosaurs 900 value individual s/sheet the set...
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Batum 1994 Fungi - Cultivated Mushroom 50r with Scout emb...
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Batum 1997 Karaoke Theatre Montage (Elvis, Marilyn Monroe...
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Batum 1919 overprinted British Occupation 10 kopecks block of 4 mint o.g.
Batum 1919 overprinted 50 rubles on 5 kopecks claret mint o.g.
Batum 1995 Film Stars (Elvis & Marilyn Monroe) souven...
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BC Batum 1919-20 Sc 49 TOP Value Used F,Vf & Most Scarce Scv$1,700
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Batum Sheet Singers Music Stars
Batum 62 mint hinged - no gum (DT)
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