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Great Britain
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SG76, 3d bright carmine-rose, FINE USED. Cat £350. FE
was £99
3 days, 18h
SG77, 3d pale carmine-rose, FINE USED. Cat £350. EA
was £73
3 days, 18h
SG86, 9d bistre, USED. Cat £575. EH
was £78
3 days, 18h
SG110 SPEC J96(3), 9d DEEP straw, USED. Cat £400. MI
was £73
3 days, 18h
SG126, 5s rose plate 1, USED, CDS. Cat £675. HJ
was £179
3 days, 18h
SG178s, 2s 6d lilac, LH MINT. Cat £425. SPECIMEN. HB
was £239
3 days, 18h
SG238 SPEC M24(-), 4d green & chocolate-brown (OCP), M MINT. HENDON CERT
was £108
3 days, 18h
SG238 SPEC M24(-), 4d deep green & chocolate-brown (OCP), M MINT. HENDON CERT
was £189
3 days, 18h
Sg272 Spec M6(-), 1d Carmine, LH Mint. Unlisted. Hendon Cert
was £119
3 days, 18h
SG280 SPEC M7(3), 1d intense rose-red, M MINT. Cat £400. HENDON CERT
was £359
3 days, 18h
SG287 SPEC M10(-), 1½d reddish purple & dp green, M MINT. UNLISTED. HENDON CERT
was £108
3 days, 18h
SG287 SPEC M10(-), 1½d dull reddish purple & deep green, M MINT. HENDON CERT
was £149
3 days, 18h
SG287 SPEC M10(2), 1½d reddish purple & yellow-green, M MINT. HENDON CERT
was £85
3 days, 18h
SG287 SPEC M10(-), 1½d dp dull purple & green, LH MINT. UNLISTED. HENDON CERT
was £95
3 days, 18h
SG287 SPEC M10(-), 1½d deep reddish purple & bright green, M MINT. HENDON CERT
was £73
3 days, 18h
SG288 SPEC M10(6), 1½d deep plum & deep green, NH MINT. Cat £350. HENDON CERT
was £299
3 days, 18h
SG303 SPEC M36(1), 6d pale plum (C), VLH MINT. Cat £95. HENDON CERT
was £95
3 days, 18h
SG306 SPEC M41(1), 9d reddish purple & light blue, M MINT. Cat £95.
was £48
3 days, 18h
SG307 SPEC M41(3), 9d dull reddish purple & blue, NH MINT. Cat £125.
was £78
3 days, 18h
SG314 SPEC M47(-), 1s olive-green & scarlet, M MINT. UNLISTED
was £55
3 days, 18h
SG317 SPEC M50(6), 2s 6d dark purple (GBF), USED. Cat £240. GBF
was £85
3 days, 18h
SG318 SPEC M52(-), 5s deep carmine, FINE USED. UNLISTED
was £168
3 days, 18h
SG351 SPEC N14(-), ½d pale brt-green, NH MINT. UNLISTED. HENDON CERT
was £119
3 days, 18h
SG361 SPEC N16(-), 1d brt rose-red, NH MINT. UNLISTED. HENDON CERT
was £209
3 days, 18h
SG361 SPEC N16(-), 1d pale rose-carmine, NH MINT. UNLISTED. HENDON CERT
was £209
3 days, 18h
SG364 SPEC N18(14), 1½d bright chestnut, NH MINT. RPS CERT
was £119
3 days, 18h
SG378 SPEC N23(3), 4d deep grey-green, LH MINT. RPS CERT
was £60
3 days, 18h
Great Britain SC#159 on PM 1917 Eastbourne Postcard Used
4 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 105 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 11h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 222-223 - Used Part Set of 2 Stamps
5 days, 11h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 114 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 11h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 58 - Used Set of 1 Stamp - Plate 3
5 days, 11h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 127,128,135 - Used Part Set of 3 Stamps
5 days, 11h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 118 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 151-152 - Used Set of 2 Stamps
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 113 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 112 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 125 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 222-223 - Used Part Set of 2 Stamps
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 114 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 119 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott#294, 296 - Mint Hinged Blocks of Stamps
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 82 - Plate 22 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 114 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 102 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 20 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 98 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp
5 days, 12h
Stamps - Great Britain - Scott# 112 - Used Part Set of 1 Stamp on piece
5 days, 12h
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