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Micronesia 2014, Birth of prince George 4v m/s
Micronesia 2014, World War I 2v m/s
Micronesia 2014, Sharks s/s, imperforated
Micronesia 2014, Canonization of Pope John Paul II 2 s/s
Micronesia #22,C7-C9 MNH 1984 Christmas
Micronesia 1995, Aviation pioneers m/s
MICRONESIA 1984, Sc# 5-20, part set, Navigators, Landscapes and Culture, MNH
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MICRONESIA 1984, Sc# 5-20, part set, Navigators, Landscapes and Culture, MNH
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Micronesia 2014, Nelson Mandela 2 s/s
Micronesia 2014, Nelson Mandela 2 s/s
Micronesia 2014, Dog Breeds of the world 2 s/s
Micronesia 2014, Prince George 2 s/s
Micronesia 2014, Parrots 2 s/s
Micronesia 2014, Submarines 2 s/s
Micronesia #232 1995 Int'l Stamp & Coin Exib. Mint VF NH S/S Aa
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*FREE SHIP Micronesia Qi Baishi Chinese Mountain Painting 2014 Art (ms) MNH
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Micronesia 1997, WWF, Fish
2000 Micronesia 1045/B71 Dogs 6,00 €
2000 Micronesia 1039-1044KL Dogs 6,00 €
Micronesia 2013, Fish of Oceania 2 s/s
Micronesia 2013, Fish of Oceania 2 s/s
Micronesia 2013, Dolphins 2 s/s
Micronesia 2013, Dolphins 2 s/s
Micronesia 2013, Pope Benedict XVI resignation 2 s/s
Micronesia 2013, Vincent van Gogh 2 s/s
Micronesia 2013, World Radio Day 2 s/s
Micronesia 1989, Shells 3 booklets
Micronesia 1988, Definitives 3 booklets
Micronesia #233 MNH Block of 8 (13476)
Micronesia 1999 - Airplanes Aviation - Sheet of 15 Stamps - Scott #362 - MNH
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Micronesia 1984 - Set of 16 Stamps - Definitive - Scott #5-20 - MNH
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Micronesia 2015 - Extreme Sports Bicycle Motorcross - Sheet of 6 Stamps - MNH
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Micronesia 2013 - Thailand Animals Birds - Sheet of 8 Stamps - Scott #1041 - MNH
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Micronesia 2014 - Birds Parrots - Souvenir Stamp Sheet - Scott #1049 - MNH
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Micronesia 2013 - Thailand Animals Birds - Souvenir Stamp Sheet Scott 1042 - MNH
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Micronesia 2013 - Jackie John F. Kennedy - Souvenir Stamp Sheet Scott 1013 - MNH
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Micronesia 2007 - Queen Elizabeth ll - Sheet of 6 Stamps - Scott #730 - MNH
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Micronesia 2007 - First Helicopter Flight - Souvenir Stamp - Scott #762 - MNH
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Micronesia 2002 - Queens Mother - Sheet of 4 Stamps - Scott #505 - MNH
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Micronesia 2002 - Queen Elizabeth Jubilee - Sheet of 4 Stamps - Scott #483 - MNH
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Micronesia 2003 - Aviation Airplanes - Sheet of 6 Stamps - Scott #551 - MNH
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[64618] Micronesia 1989 Space travel weltraum Moonlanding Souvenir sheet MNH
[102295] Micronesia 1986 Space travel weltraum Halley's Comet From set MNH
[65042] Micronesia 1987 Space travel weltraum From set MNH
Micronesia 1999, Chinese technology in first millennium 17v m/s
Micronesia MNH Block 848a Mandarinfish 2009
Micronesia 72-75, MNH. Michel 123-126. Mwarmwarms 1989. Flowers. Hibiscus,
Micronesia 195 ad strip,MNH.Michel 365-368. Flowers 1994.Fagraea berteriana,
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