SolvedMarker icon for ebay sync

edited July 2017 in Feature Requests 1 LikesVote Down
Just opened up a basic store here, and have synced my 700 or so listings over.

I haven't yet started listing on here, but can already see a small problem - I will have no idea which items are synced over from ebay, and which I've since listed on hipstamp.

If there was something visible to the seller only; a simple icon on one corner of the thumbnail image, or a single character prefix to the title, using unicode (↺ or ∞ perhaps?), it would be easy for sellers to know what they have on both sites. Backend would only need to be boolean value that's parsed when rendering the item details.

Unless there's already something that I can't see which does this?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • From within the Members Area > Selling > Listings section, when viewing your listings, any items which are synced from ebay will display the full ebay id number prefaced by an "E:" under our item id number. For example (E:25616584334) so it's easy to tell which are from ebay, and which are not.
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