Read any good books lately?

Acting on the advice of an author I follow on Facebook, I decided to read John D MacDonald's "Bright Orange for the Shroud," my first foray into that author's works. At just $1.99 for the Kindle edition, how could you go wrong?

Imagine my surprise when I went to the book listing and ran into one of our own HipStampers in the shop. Now with 2 enthusiastic and respected recommendations, I, for sure, must read this.

Let's hope it's a slow night at work, for me. LOL



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I love John D Mac Donald. The Travis McGee series is wonderful. He lives the life we all want to live on a big houseboat in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Works when the funds get low. I started reading all his "color" books when they were published. Unfortunately John D died without putting out the very last book that was the color black. Many of his fans always asked him why not that color and for obvious reasons he was saving it for the last McGee book. I've just started to re-read the series. Fun, fast moving books. I have them in paperback form, but the kindle is so much easier to carry around.

    Do let us know what you think of the book.
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