Relisted item closed?

This discussion was created from comments split from: phone number for hip stamps.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • i relist my items and it was closed the day i relist item?
  • It looks like you're currently syncing from ebay. If you have a listing which was synced from ebay, and it ends one ebay, it will end on HipStamp. If you relist the listing, it would close again shortly after it's relisted, because it's still being synced with ebay. However, when you relist the item from the Members Area, on the relist screen there's an option to "Break External Syncs" (along with an explanation of when to use this option). Just check off that box, and the relisted items will no longer be synced to ebay - and will not end, even if they are no longer on ebay.
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