Does this Matter?

I have this Franklin with a Washington, D. C. Overprint and it looks to be cut pretty poorly. Does that make this stamp more valuable or less valuable. Also wondering about the 2 that are connected. 1 is torn, should I separate torn one, or leave together. I am in the very early stages of learning. All comments greatly appreciated. 1531783934794


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • (My opinion)

    The top stamp in question is a coil stamp that was cut improperly from, most likely, a private coil dispenser. Such are commonly found. Unless you want the pre-cancel, the stamp is worthless.

    On the bottom pair, the stamps are low-value. I don't see anything wrong with getting rid of the torn stamp. I don't see where the cancel is of any importance either, so no harm.
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