How to run the Stamp Image Bursting java app on MacOS High Sierra

Yes, we all know java is not secure - this is for those that still want to run this app.
By default, you will no longer be allowed to run self-signed applications. However, if you do any sort of search on how to avoid the error message, you'll get outdated links that mention the "MacOS" Java Control Panel - which is no longer a thing on High Sierra. Furthermore, the default download page for Java will take you to the incorrect download screen at Oracle. You need this one:, then select the MacOS DMG.
After successfully installing, you will still get the dreaded "Your security settings have blocked a self-signed application from running." Again, most searches will have you looking for components that don't exist. See the screenshot.
Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 4.51.53 PM
You can manually add to the exception site list by doing the following. Being familiar with the command-line and an editor like vim helps.
1. Go to your home directory (usually under /Users, for example, /Users/stampguy)
2. Navigate to Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment/security
3. Create the file exception.sites and add "" to it.
4. Restart the application
I'm not a GUI guy, but I'm sure you can do all the above from finder.
Here's how the app now looks after the above changes (see second screenshot.)
Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 4.55.59 PM
Now I gotta learn the pesky program and scan the better stuff. I will be using stock images for the common stuff - happy to eventually give you my URL for these stock images (site is not open yet.)


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