This is what it's all about!

Wonderful Stamps 04/22/2019 13:57:56
Dear David & Kitty, thank you very much for your wonderful store. It's like find a buried treasure at the touch of a click...

Best regards,


This delightful message was in our box this afternoon. I posted this because I've done a good bit of squawking about negative experiences of late with buyers.

Yes there are bad guys out there but this reminded me today of why we are doing this.

Just wanted to share something positive and uplifting, we all need that once and a while, (Thanks Osvaldo!)

Kitty R.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I felt the same way about 3 hip sellers, found a 4th only to never receive my orders ,lol
    be patient, scope out and form a relationship with your new found seller. it will pay devidends !
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