Prominent American series tagging omitted not precancel

I have a couple of these, 1304f and 1305k used but there aren't any prices in Scott for them (2015 anyway). Are these worth anything? Some of the prices for others are quite high.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You will have to make sure that there is not one tiny spot of tagging on the stamp in order for it to be considered a tagging missing error. On used stamps, it is very easy to remove the tagging through chemical means.
  • Interesting. I did not realize the tagging could be chemically removed. So all used tagging missing items are automatically considered suspect. Thanks for the information
  • Some tagging simply washes off in water. Take early tagged stamps from Canada. Those stamps have what is known as "migrant tagging". Simply touching the stamp onto something else can transfer the tagging to the other item. For example, touch one of those stamps, and then use a UV light, you could find the taggant on your fingers. Touch another stamp, say a worthless stamp from the 19th Century, and the taggant could be transferred to that stamp.
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