Multiple "Stamp Format"

Just a heads up, but this morning when I clone an existing listing it automatically jumps from Single to Multiple under "Stamp Format".

This just started happening this morning. The other morning, I noticed something similar in another field, it has since been cleared, back to normal. Weird Gremlins popping up here...

P.S. I, nor my fellow HipStampers' do NOT "Need Help" (I'm sure you know what this is in reference to).



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • "P.S. I, nor my fellow HipStampers' do NOT "Need Help" (I'm sure you know what this is in reference to)"

    Adblock Plus is free and kills it - I was starting to think I was going to have to find another site to sell on because it made me physically ill.. my doctor says those "corner of the eye" things can be a pre-epileptic trigger. Post it note works too blocks some functionality.
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