eBay Sync

Does anyone know if the eBay sync works backwards? What I mean, if I turn eBay sync on, does it transfer things from Hip to eBay and match the two sites up? A few months ago, I began listing a far smaller number of items on eBay than I did on HipStamp. This was due to their Basic Store and fees if you go above 250. I was considering upgrading to a Premium store on eBay to allow me to list more. In hindsight, probably a bad move not to do this sooner. Now if I sell something on Hip, I have to close on eBay and vice versa. Just becomes pain and potential risk in the future for a purchase on both sites.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I doubt it, but you could save your Hipstamp listings into a .csv format. Then modify the file to into eBay's File Exchange format and upload to eBay. I've used both but never looked at the differences.
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