Image Manager

Has there been a change to the Image Manager in the last 2 months, I haven't made a new bulk load since January and the Image manager is not allowing me to find the folders I've created under my account. I can only see the root directory, and can create a "new folder". I've tried all of the icons to try to move up or down the hierarchy on the server, but not able to change the directory level at all.

I've also sent in a support ticket tonight, but thought I'd post here also.
Thanks for any help in advance, Ray McIntire, Springfield,TN


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No changes. You need to locate your files on your computer, not on HipStamp. The only icon you use on HipStamp is the "Upload files" icon (the 4th from the left). Click on this and then click on "select files" which opens the root directory on your computer.
  • Thanks John, but that didn't work-- with the way I had the files named and the path, it would look for that directory in my earlier message.

    I figured it out, though. When I hit info on the root directory, it had my entire naming convention there, except the first 4 directories weren't there-- I read in another place on the forum, that they move files to a google cloud, so I created my 5th folder off of the root, and it worked fine. The other directories just aren't there anymore, and that's what was throwing me off.

    Appreciate your response very much!
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