New listing automatically goes into a sale category

Ok, so I'm adding a couple of publication items to my store categorized as such. When I post the listing, it is automatically added to a sale I have active but it is not categorized as such. Example, added a set of the old Linn's yearbooks for U.S.. When I post it, it shows up as discounted 15% and placed in the Cape of Good Hope sale I have going on. So I edited the CGH sale to include just the item numbers for that sale rather than using the Country name. When I went to add the yearbooks again, they showed up my Great Britain sale at 10% off. The new items don't have anything in its description that would indicate that it is part of the CGH or Great Britain sale. I hope this description makes sense because I want to add these items but just not on sale. Thanks for any help with this.
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