Christmas Reindeer Stamps

What's the difference between 3356-59, 3360-63, and 3364-67? The stamps for sale in each category seem to be all over the board.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Wayne:
    The 3356-59 is a sheet version and the other two are booklet versions. Scott prices the 3356-59 at approx. 2 times the booklet versions but the actual price asked maybe more to do with the configurations of the booklet blocks.
    Scott basically prices all issues as singles on first day covers at the same price. Blocks, panes etc. would be priced higher.
    Having said the above then of course a seller can price a stamp at whatever value they think it will sell for! The true value is in the eye of the buyer
  • Mike,
    Thanks. I didn't mean prices all over the board by price but by version. Some have the booklets as 3356-59 and sheets as the other two.
    What's the difference between 3360-63 and 3364-67?
  • Mike,
    After studying what I have, it appears 3356-59 has nothing on the back, 3360-63 has red printing, and 3364-67 has green printing. Also, 3364-67 is smaller stamp than 3360-63. Does that seem reasonable?
  • Wayne:
    I can't confirm the rear of the stamps format as I only deal in FDC, perhaps a real stamp collector could chime in with the answer. For me the only way to tell which Scott number is on a cover is with a perforation gauge, 3360-3363 is perf 11.25 x 11.25 and 3364-3367 is perf 11.5 x 11.25
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