US Zone Chart

For those of us who may be affected by the new USPS zones, the url below helps you figure out which zone you are mailing to by entering the first 3 digits of your home zip code...


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • edited January 2019 0 LikesVote Down
    OK, I will demonstrate my inability to understand. The first part of my zip is 351. In the zone chart I see that 351 is in zone 1. To ship to a zipcode 98501, which is Olympia WA that is zone 8. That is the highest zone # and I get that, You can't get much further apart in the contiguous 48 states
    The zip code for Daphne, AL is 36526 and according to the chart is in zone 3. I am also in Alabama and roughly 150-200 miles away. Two zones from here, really? Birmingham is 40 miles away and zone 1. In this whole chart there are two other 3-digit zip #s in zone 1..Is it that there is no logical explanation for the reasoning behind this?
  • "Is it that there is no logical explanation for the reasoning behind this?"

    Given that its the USPS, probably not...
  • edited January 2019 0 LikesVote Down
    Well, I sent a note to my recent buyers of something that goes at the package rate, telling them I have raised my postage rates and why, and already I have gotten one response saying the he will not buy from me again.
    Win some (I hope), lose some. Now I'll never get rid of these 3-cent stamps!
  • Yep. 151-300 miles is Zone 3. Here is a chart:

    USPS Zones

  • Just imagine, if we are confused with this Zone system, how the "normal" people will be confused. It's crazy and I'll admit I'm beyond confused. So when the rates go into effect I'll be using the site and let them tell me what postage I'm putting on the envelope. And will the counter postal clerks really know how many miles away California from Florida for the correct postage? Even as the crow flies, I don't know! Oh hey, I'm sure there's an app for that! lol, couldn't help myself.
  • Luree,

    The zone rates only went into affect today on packages under 13 ozs. They have been using zone rates for parcel post and non flat rate priority for years already.
  • In the post office today, there was a long line. Many were asking to buy stamps for the new 55 cents rate.....(sigh)
  • Am I wrong to raise my shipping rates or should I lose another 1.00 for every sale with stiffeners? From my customers I get 3 different responses so far.
    --won't buy from me again
    --the amount is excessive, maybe a quarter (.25) increase
    --no problem
    I guess I can answer my own question - how much do I want to get out of it?
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