No HOME button

When you are in the forum, and want to return to the site to look at stamps, and buy, there is no HOME button.
I the past I exited and relogged in.
Now I found that you could return by clicking on the mustache (LOL) but wouldn't it be more appropriate to box a HOME button on top?
A HOME button all spelled out and not some programmer icon one has to second guess!


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Talking about icons, Why not make them all a bit bigger. Your primary client base has eyesight that is not getting any better. Hard to see. Same about CONTRAST. This grey may be nice to you, but what about a shade that is a bit more visible! Come to think of it, what about black?
  • black lines matter
  • Agree 100%, I never know how to go back to my I leave and sign back on.
  • Jacques, to go back to your store is really just a few clicks. If you are on the forums, just click on the Hipstamp logo at the top of the page and then scroll down to the bottom and click on view my store button. If you are anywhere else, just scroll down to the bottom and click on view my store button.

    Maybe in the future a nice little button at the top that says my store will be implemented to make it easier for us. hint hint.
  • Thanks! But it could be a little simpler....
  • I have a link to my store bookmarked and it's easier for me at present to simply click on that bookmark to go back to the store.
  • Today there is a HOME link and a FORUMS HOME link, but they both point to the Forums - no sense in that! Yes you can click the mustache if you know to do that, or just enter in the address bar of your explorer, but why shouldn't the HOME button to go to
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