SolvedFeedback Issue
Has anyone noticed that feedback given to a buyer is not being shown?
I also notice that some buyers are getting one feedback while they have being given feedback on multiple items.
Anyone else notice this?
I also notice that some buyers are getting one feedback while they have being given feedback on multiple items.
Anyone else notice this?
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I just got used to seeing the feedback updated almost immediately.
Has this ever happened to anyone before, or am I just missing something.
On January 19 there were three separate feedbacks left by one buyer, but the number that shows up when one of my auctions is opened only increased by one (going from 6297 to 6298). When I went to the "Feedback" area on my "Members Area", the correct feedback total of 6300 was shown. This stayed the same through earlier today.
Yesterday I received feedback from one buyer who left three feedbacks. I don't remember seeing these as being counted yesterday.
During the middle of today, I received feedback from a buyer giving thirty-one feedbacks. In the "Feedback" area in my "Members Area", the correct total feedback is given as 6434. However, if I open up one of my auctions, it only shows a feedback total of 6404. The only logical way that I can arrive at this 6404 number is that the two missing feedbacks from January 19 are now being counted, all three of the feedbacks that were posted yesterday are being counted, and only one of the feedbacks from the buyer who left thirty-one feedbacks today is being counted.
If I open one of my auctions and click on my feedback number (6404), the feedback page on the top gives the 6404 number, but down below where all the feedbacks are show, it states that 6434 entries were found. The table at the top shows no negative feedbacks, so there should be no reduction for purpose.
Any idea what is going on?
I received 50 negative feed backs from someone living in Israel on the 22nd for stamps they had purchased on the 21st. Their comment was "thanks". I received another 40 plus negatives from someone who stated "nice stamps".
I have purchased several hundred stamps at auction from a dealer that has never left me any feedback as I don't believe they leave it for anyone. I have noticed some buyers with minimal feedback buying many stamps from the same seller without receiving any feedback.
In earlier days, I would ask HipStamp to correct my feedback. They would change it to neutral which is my opinion is just as "bad", so I don't bother them with this minor annoyance anymore. It doesn't seem to affect my sales as I continue to make daily sales.
I did receive fifty-eight feedbacks from one buyer today. All the previous feedbacks are now apparently being counted as my feedback number bumped up to 6435, but again only one of the most recently left feedbacks are being counted. So I guess I just have to be patient and assume that as time goes by all but the most recent feedbacks will be counted. Weird.
French Vimy Ridge Memorial stamps received as ordered. Speedy response. Transaction most satisfactory.