Selling stmps

I have several MNH OG sets that I already have in my album. Not enough to open a store, but enough to sell a few items. Can you sell a few items here or should I turn to eBay? I van provide Scott number if anyone is interested. 1932 Washington bicentennial sn704-15, 1934 736-39, 1944 sn922-26, 1946-47 sn939-47, 949-52, 1949 981-86 2ea, 1955 sn1064-72, 1958 sñ1104-1123, 1976 bicentennial sheets 1686-89, 1985 sn2110-2166. Need about 50 bucks.


  • 12 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Jeff , I would check with the site coordinator, but I’d respectfully suggest this may not the correct way to engage in commerce on this site . No harm done .
  • Yes, you need to open a store and sell the stamps that way. You can not sell them they way you are trying.
  • Not enough to open store. I'll go to Ebay. Not selling them here, either way. I've never sold anything on ebay or anywhere else. Just try ing to get advice on selling at ebay, hip stamp, even amazon...whatever.
  • Oh I see, I pasted all the numbers and stuff. Didn't mean all that. That was intended for an ad...sorry.
  • I'd like to buy a vowel ..... is there an "a"?
  • Jeffrey, it doesn't matter how many stamps you have to sell. We all have started out listing just a few and then we grew our stores.

    And from what I've read, Ebay charges the sellers a lot on fees. The fees here are very reasonable.

    Good luck with your adventure.
  • Ebay has become outrageous. I'm a dealer and was selling on ebay back in 2010 and if you didnt pay the riduculus fees you were limited on the number of items you could list. Hipstamp is a great change from that, pay the store and seller fees, and basically unlimit yourself from how many listings you can have. Yes I would like to see the stamps you have for sell and possibly make you an offer?
  • I guess I'll open a store but I need a good camera first, unless photo copies are good enough. Advice please.
  • I don't have a lot of stamps. Which option should I chose. What is directory listing? I've never done this and don't know my @ss from a hole in the ground. I'm afraid I'll sell my paltry amount of stamps and have nothing to sell in no time.
  • Flat bed scanners work best for stamps. If you must use a camera, a newish iPhone is good enough, but scanners are pretty cheap.
  • Your best option at this time seems to me to go with the starter store. (It does have a limit of 100 items at one time but it's only 2.95 per month if you get the yearly plan or it's 3.95 on the monthly plan.)
  • I've used Ebay & HipStamp. Really prefer HipStamp. Fees to list an auction on HipStamp are 3 cents. For a store listing (once you pay to open a store) free. On Ebay 35 cents.
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