Shipping Cost Reverted Back To Old Amount ?

My standard Shipping Charge on my orders to any US address use to be $1.40. In August I changed the price to $1.50. Since then that has been the price applied. However today December 7 - the latest order that went thru applied the old shipping price of $1.40. I have no idea where that has come from because my postal settings still show $1.50 . How did the old amount get applied to this invoice ? It is only a dime but has anyone else seen this happen ? I need to see what happens with the next order.. Thanks, Steve


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Did you perhaps use an older template for some new listings? Sometimes I do that and forget to change the shipping details so that, for example, a very few of my listings can be seen by international buyers even though I no longer ship internationally.
  • Did you update your older listings to $1.50 when you raised your rate? If not, you need to do a bulk update now. Changing the shipping rate only affects your new listings.
  • I did the bulk update and I can not find any items that are showing the old rate. It was just one odd invoice that reverted back to the old rate, Maybe someone had items in their cart before they checked out - could that have picked up the old rate. I will just have to watch what happens going forward.
  • on shipping purposes from ebay sync to hipstamp do we have to edit in hipstamp shipping in bulk? i did edit sometime but it just keep on running so knows how minutes to hour so i just close it and not quite sure if those are already edited.
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