Hmm...I wasn't clear. Let's say I pick "lowest price" is the "place in line" )ie #1, #2 etc determined. So, if there are 1000 stamps in the Lowest Price , how is it determined which goes first for viewing?
The algo's also biased toward newer listings, as the site always wants to have fresh items to display. In the case of your "Canada Queens" search, the order of the results don't appear to have a lot to do with the store level. The first 3 dealers shown are Featured Stores, followed by a Basic Store, and then another Featured Store.
Any of you "premium stores? If so, do you think it's worth it?
I've had one sale in last two weeks, and yet I've added some nice, and nicely priced, (IMO of course) items and small sets. The vast majority haven't even had one view.
John, Currently there are only 4 Premium stores out of the 1165-odd total stores on HS right now. Most of these (not all), in my opinion, feature quantity over quality. And if one really digs into the details, as I did a few months back, out of that 1165 or so stores on HS, there really are only about 200 to 250 stores that I would consider "serious" stores worth shopping. Many are stores with a few items, many are stores that are clearly run by folks with very little knowledge of what they are selling or what they are doing. Some are even, again in my opinion, are outright scam artists. I won't comment on whether a Premium store is worth it in general. Maybe it is to those who are Premium and myabe it isn't really. I know it cost a lot more than Featured and in my opinion only gets you a little more. That may be the gets YOU a little more but maybe doesn't really matter that much to the potential customer.
I took another look at your store a bit ago and it looks really good. Nice material at fair prices. Your images are vastly improved from when you started and your descriptions are much better. And you have steadily built your inventory numbers. Keep that up for sure. Reach out to HipStamp's customer service and make arrangements to have them send out an email newsletter to your existing customers on your behalf (marketing). You get that with the Featured store platform. Most of all, be patient and keep listing new items. Speaking for myself and a few other dealers with quality stores on HS, we all go through "dry spells" when we wonder if our store had gone out of business or if there ever be another order. That usually changes one day with a flurry of orders all at once. Keep grinding. It will pay off but don't kid yourself, it is a grind but a rewarding one.
John - for what it's worth. I'm just a buyer who hates computers so unless one shows me web site or name of store has his name in it I at least won't find one's store. Thus anybody who puts info up on any forum I look put only pcse US
It appears that we have lost the ability to search for stores by the owners name - why on earth would they have done that ???? Some show up but even when I cut and paste john's name into the search bar for stores nothing shows up.
We still have the ability to search by owners name. Everyone's store on this discussion thread shows up but John's. Very odd - can't figure out why. I agree, your store looks very nice.
Hmm....I just tried finding some of my stamps searching by country and Scott #. I was surprised to not find the first several I tried. Then, on a whim, I searched by country and Unitrade #, and they started popping up. I started using "Scott/Unitrade#" in my description and this may be causing a problem. Maybe I should just using Scott #s? Advice?
John, what Jeri is saying is that you can also search by the name under which an account is opened. My user name is youpiao; my store nsme is TATyszka Stamps; but my account is in the name Ted Tyszka, which is what also shows on the forum. You can find my store using any of three search terms. Since your forum name is john o'neil, that would indicate that your HipStsmp store account is in that name, and searching Stores using john o'neill should show your store, but it doesn't. You might want to check with HipStamp, if you keep your store, because it is common for forum users to look up dealers who post on the forum, and they do that by searching on your forum name.
In the case of your "Canada Queens" search, the order of the results don't appear to have a lot to do with the store level. The first 3 dealers shown are Featured Stores, followed by a Basic Store, and then another Featured Store.
I've had one sale in last two weeks, and yet I've added some nice, and nicely priced, (IMO of course) items and small sets. The vast majority haven't even had one view.
Currently there are only 4 Premium stores out of the 1165-odd total stores on HS right now. Most of these (not all), in my opinion, feature quantity over quality. And if one really digs into the details, as I did a few months back, out of that 1165 or so stores on HS, there really are only about 200 to 250 stores that I would consider "serious" stores worth shopping. Many are stores with a few items, many are stores that are clearly run by folks with very little knowledge of what they are selling or what they are doing. Some are even, again in my opinion, are outright scam artists. I won't comment on whether a Premium store is worth it in general. Maybe it is to those who are Premium and myabe it isn't really. I know it cost a lot more than Featured and in my opinion only gets you a little more. That may be the gets YOU a little more but maybe doesn't really matter that much to the potential customer.
I took another look at your store a bit ago and it looks really good. Nice material at fair prices. Your images are vastly improved from when you started and your descriptions are much better. And you have steadily built your inventory numbers. Keep that up for sure. Reach out to HipStamp's customer service and make arrangements to have them send out an email newsletter to your existing customers on your behalf (marketing). You get that with the Featured store platform. Most of all, be patient and keep listing new items. Speaking for myself and a few other dealers with quality stores on HS, we all go through "dry spells" when we wonder if our store had gone out of business or if there ever be another order. That usually changes one day with a flurry of orders all at once. Keep grinding. It will pay off but don't kid yourself, it is a grind but a rewarding one.
Since your forum name is john o'neil, that would indicate that your HipStsmp store account is in that name, and searching Stores using john o'neill should show your store, but it doesn't.
You might want to check with HipStamp, if you keep your store, because it is common for forum users to look up dealers who post on the forum, and they do that by searching on your forum name.
I have my store link on the forums profile. That is what you should be doing.