David Lirette


David Lirette
Last Active


  • The forcing of the next level store at a much higher price in order to maintain my current listings is a deal breaker for me. Why would I pay more for a store here than what I pay on ebay for similar sized stores and much fewer sales? I have alrea…
  • I do not use Microsoft or Apple email address and I haven't received them at the same time as others reporting the issues.
  • This has been planned since September 2016 and yet still doesn't exist. There are groups of items I don't list here because it is too difficult to maintain without the ability to sort by private id. https://www.hipstamp.com/forums/discussion/380/s…
  • I am able to create a unique URL now. It seemed like the parms were really used, but now I understand it is ignored and just used for uniqueness. I ran a test where I append the date and time to ensure I have a unique value.
  • Using a different name/folder structure does not work for my inventory. Since I don't understand query strings, I have no options to handle this.
  • This has become a nightmare that I'm not sure if it is worth keeping the store because of all the image problems that could be lurking. I have to decide if I'm going to delete all my listings again or not since I have no idea if the images are corr…
  • I am having issues with images not showing current image when using the ?new=1 suffix to an image url. I am using bulk uploader for the listings. Some are previously sold, some ended when sold elsewhere and a duplicate is listed. In each situatio…
  • Any other characters cause a split? The dashes are used within the scott numbers and since the search is useless right now I need to understand how to get it to work the way I need all the time. Private id is still not useful for validation of inv…
  • I use the catalog number as the file name and as a result, any duplicate will always have the same name. I will have to reload all of my store to ensure that the image displayed is the correct one.
  • Thanks. I noticed parts of my original message disappeared. The parts that are missing were included between less than and greater than signs.
  • Thanks, this sort of works for one of my items, not as good as bidstart. Bidstart doesn't need the * and when using just A and wildcard to balance the "a" cachetmakers, no rows are returned.