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USA 1940 cover to France - SERVICE SUSPENDED - held 9 months?..............B6428
USA FORCES IN SOLOMON IS 1944 cover APO 25 censor to New Zealand............K459
USA 1955 Forces Reserve pakte block FDC to NZ signed by Washington PM......61874
USA 1936 cover 3c Byrd imperf SAVOONGA / ALASKA cancel, signed postmaster..62456
USA 1943 FDC to New Zealand - Overrun Nations BELGIUM......................57717
USA 1948 WOMEN OF AMERICA - C Stephen Anderson FDC to New Zealand..........M473
USA EMBASSY KENYA c1995 airmail cover to NZ, MISSENT TO / APO NY 09892.....10733
USA 1955 cover with nice franking to LAUTOKA, FIJI. + Bird Cinderella.......M113
USA 1945 Florida Centennial FDC to New Zealand.............................A1657
USA 1959 Qantas first flight cover San Francisco to Sydney Australia.......L932A
USA 1959 Qantas first flight cover San Francisco to Sydney Australia.......L932B
USA 1956 cover with nice franking to LAUTOKA, FIJI.........................L937
USA 1955 cover with nice franking to LAUTOKA, FIJI.........................L972
USA 1949 UPU - C Stephen Anderson FDC ......................................M480
USA 1956 cover with nice franking to LAUTOKA, FIJI.........................L933
USA 1947 Edison FDC to New Zealand - Cachet Craft : Ken Boll................M115
USA 1950 Whitehouse - C Stephen Anderson commem FDC to New Zealand..........M125
USA 1945 Coast Guard FDC to New Zealand....................................A1651
USA 1951 POSTAGE DUE BILL with $14.12 of dues, Hartford Conn...............21184
USA 1904 cover France to Baltimore MISSENT TO ATLANTA RPO..................49093
USA 1975 Lufthansa first flight cover to Santiago Chile.....................F954
USA 1955 cover with nice franking to LAUTOKA, FIJI.........................L936
USA 1948 POULTRY INDUSTRY - C Stephen Anderson FDC to New Zealand...........M469
USA 1950 WASHINGTON - C Stephen Anderson FDC to New Zealand................M472
USA 1948 HARLAN F STONE - C Stephen Anderson FDC to New Zealand.............M463
USA 1955 cover with nice franking to LAUTOKA, FIJI. ........................M111
USA 1948 3c Carver - C Stephen Anderson commem FDC to New Zealand...........M127
USA 1959 Qantas first flight cover Honolulu to Fiji........................L927A
USA 1945 Roosevelt 2c block FDC to New Zealand.............................A1663
USA 1945 Coast Guard FDC to New Zealand....................................A1658
USA CHINA 1932 cover with cancel USS PECOS / TSINGTAU / CHINA..............61146
USA 1936 cover Brownwood Texas to New Zealand - 5c rate.....................J875
USA 1966 Lufthansa first flight to Germany..................................H292
NEW HEBRIDES 1966 Official registered cover to USA..............19140
USA 1946 NEW MEXICO - C Stephen Anderson FDC to New Zealand.................M461
USA 1948 USA/CANADA - C Stephen Anderson FDC to New Zealand...............M479
USA 1955 cover with nice franking to LAUTOKA, FIJI.........................M112
USA 1947 EDISON - C Stephen Anderson FDC to New Zealand....................M468
USA 1965 Lufthansa first flight to Germany..................................H284
USA 1951 DETROIT - C Stephen Anderson FDC to New Zealand....................M466
USA 1933 cover Detroit to New Zealand - 5c rate.............................J873
USA 1956 cover with nice franking to LAUTOKA, FIJI.........................L935
USA 1956 cover with nice franking to LAUTOKA, FIJI.........................L971
USA 1940 first flight cover Honolulu Hawaii to New Zealand..................Q483
USA 1950 Bankers - Cachet Craft FDC - Ken Boll - to New Zealand.............M129
USA 1955 cover with nice franking to LAUTOKA, FIJI.........................M121
USA 1948 YOUTH OF AMERICA - C Stephen Anderson FDC to New Zealand...........M462
USA 1942 Patriotic US Navy free cover - Dakar Falls to US Diplomacy .......a4032
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