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NAURU 1980 Air Nauru set in imperf proof pairs with plate numbers..........B4711
NAURU 1966 Definitive set in fine used blocks of 4.........................A5720
NAURU 1965 2/5d rate registered cover to Sydney -.mixed issues franking.....M592
NAURU 1968 REPUBLIC overprint definitive set MNH blocks of 4..............29023a
NAURU 1977 formular aerogramme with 10c added - commercially used to NZ.....L141
NAURU 1938 commercial cover to Australia with 1½d freighter.................N130
NAURU 1937 Coronation set marginal blocks of 6 MNH........................A7364B
NAURU 1940 1½d freighter on commercial cover to Melbourne..................B3532
NAURU 1940 1½d freighter on commercial cover to Melbourne..................B3533
NAURU 1968 REPUBLIC overprint definitive set fine used blocks of 4.........29004
NAURU 1950 commercial cover to Australia with 1d & 1½d freighter............N134
NAURU 1940 1½d freighter on commercial cover to Melbourne..................B3534
NAURU 1938 1½d freighter on commercial cover to Melbourne..................B3529
NAURU 1963 definitive set MNH..............................................29046
NAURU 1968 REPUBLIC overprint definitive set MNH ........................66079c
NAURU 1966 Definitive set fine used........................................29034
NAURU 1978 Christmas set blocks of 4 MNH...................................B4712
NAURU 1937 Coronation set on registered cover to UK........................a3722
NAURU 1968 REPUBLIC overprint definitive set MNH blocks of 4...............29023
NAURU 1937 Coronation set marginal blocks of 4 MNH.........................A7365
NAURU 1968 REPUBLIC overprint definitive set MNH blocks of 4...............A5423
NAURU 1966 Definitive set in fine used blocks of 4.........................29024
NAURU 1968 REPUBLIC overprint definitive set fine used blocks of 4.........A5722
NAURU 1978 Official cover airmail to NZ....................................43393
NAURU 1945 cover to Australia - 1½d freighter..............................37848
NAURU 1938 commercial cover to Australia with 1½d freighter.................N132
NAURU Postage Paid plane / palm trees aerogramme unused.....................L131
NAURU 1940 1½d freighter on commercial cover to Melbourne..................B3536
NAURU 1939 1½d freighter on commercial cover to Melbourne..................B3531
NAURU 1968 REPUBLIC overprint definitive set MNH .........................66079a
NAURU 1968 REPUBLIC overprint definitive set MNH ........................66079b
NAURU 1939 commercial cover with 1½d freighter......................37880
NAURU 1982 Christmas set corner blocks of 4 MNH.............................7514
NAURU 1937 commercial cover with 1½d freighter......................37873
NAURU 1983 Angam Day set plate blocks of 4 MNH.............................57692
NAURU 10c palm trees aerogramme unused......................................L130
NAURU 1960 5d freighter on commercial cover to Melbourne...................7009
NAURU 1974 Official cover airmail to NZ....................................43391
NAURU 1982 Christmas set blocks of 4 fine used...........................7513
NAURU 1976 Stamp Anniversary set in plate blocks of 4 MNH..................A9709
NAURU 1976 Registered Official cover airmail to NZ.........................43392
NAURU 1983 Angam Day set plate blocks of 4 MNH.............................57691
NAURU 1979 International Radio set imprint blocks of 4 MNH.................28056
NAURU 1938 1½d freighter on commercial cover to Melbourne...................7012
NAURU 1945 cover to Australia - 1½d freighter..............................37847
NAURU 1947 2½d freighter on commercial cover to Melbourne...................7015
NAURU 1936 commercial cover to Australia with 1½d freighter.................N129
NAURU 1952 1½d Freighter on commercial cover to Melbourne..................58653
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