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SOLOMON IS 1914 GV £1 SG38 fine used.......................................B4014
SOLOMON IS 1923 Registered OHMS cover - Registered Tulagi to USA...........18920
SOLOMON IS 1975 OHMS cover local Honiara - Dept Agriculture - OHMS meter....T530
SOLOMON IS 1934 GV 1½d on commercial cover to UK - TULAGI cds...............V282
SOLOMON IS 1981 local Formular registered cover used GIZO to Honiara - .....V269
SOLOMON IS 1956 cover with small type BARAKOMA AIRFIELD cancels............A7769
SOLOMON IS 1957 cover with small type BARAKOMA AIRFIELD cancels............A7761
SOLOMON IS 1937 Registered OHMS cover, Tulagi Registered Letter cds.......95630A
SOLOMON IS 1957 cover with small type BARAKOMA AIRFIELD cancels............A7763
SOLOMON IS 1956 Official Formular aerogramme - Henderson Field opt used....32327
SOLOMON IS 1929 OHMS cover Registered TULAGI to UK........................95631A
SOLOMON IS 1928 OHMS cover to Canada : CROWN / PAID ex Tulagi..............77814
SOLOMON IS 1914 GV £1 SG38 fine used........................................M162
SOLOMON IS 1957 BARAKOMA AIRFIELD s/line cancel on formular airletter......12791
SOLOMON IS 1943 cover with scarce oval LUNGA pmk............................V315
SOLOMON IS 1949 OHMS cover Honiara to Australia...........................95652A
SOLOMON IS 1977 local cover SIROVANGA POSTAL AGENCY cds.....................G338
SOLOMON IS 1986 OHMS cover - scarce POPULATION CENSUS slogan...............75632
SOLOMON IS 1944 NZ FORCES cover RNZAF / C / NZAPO cds, censor.............A7752
SOLOMON IS 1945 NZ FORCES cover RNZAF / C / NZAPO cds, censor.............A7756
SOLOMON IS 1944 NZ FORCES cover RNZAF / C / NZAPO cds, censor.............A7739
SOLOMON IS 1981 CW Bank cover 8c Meter ex Honiara..........................25565
Solomon IS 1977 Cover Gwaunatafu Postal Agency.............................A6574
SOLOMON IS 1980 OHMS local cover POSTAGE PAID cds..........................59088
SOLOMON IS 1981 OHMS local cover POSTAGE PAID / AUKI.......................59097
SOLOMON IS 1950 commercial mission cover to New Zealand ex Honiara.........44565
SOLOMON IS 1972 Ships / Nivagators set fine used blocks of 4..............a3895
SOLOMON IS 25c aerogramme - 1983 S Pacfic Games W Samoa - unused............K817
SOLOMON IS 1967 3c opt on local cover AUKI to Vutulaka......................U257
SOLOMON IS 1972 Ships / Nivagators set fine used blocks of 4..............a3894
SOLOMON IS 1956 cover with small type BARAKOMA AIRFIELD cancels............A7758
SOLOMON IS 1967 3c & 12c opts on cover to New Zealand ex AUKI...............U253
SOLOMON IS 1977 cover POSTAL AGENCY cancel : ROHINARI.......................R412
SOLOMON IS 1972 Ships / Nivagators set fine used blocks of 4..............a3893
SOLOMON IS 1992 40c aerogramme - Columbian Stamp Expo opt...................L148
SOLOMON IS 1972 Royal Silver Wedding set fine used blocks of 4.............a3897
SOLOMON IS 1995 50c on formular aerogramme Honiara to NZ....................K828
SOLOMON IS 1992 40c aerogramme - Columbian Stamp Expo opt cto...............L147
SOLOMON IS Postage Paid aerogramme - Heliconia - Bush flower unused.........L127
SOLOMON IS 1972 Royal Silver Wedding set fine used blocks of 4.............a3896
SOLOMON IS 1990 Formular aerogramme - 40c flower - fist day cancel..........K824
SOLOMON IS 1968 local Honiara cover - fancy TAX mark - tax cancelled.......75637
SOLOMON IS 1997 50c on formular aerogramme RANADI POST OFFICE cds to NZ.....J610
SOLOMON IS 1995 cover scarce VISIT SOUTH PACIFIC year handstruck slogan....76043
SOLOMON IS 1993 Taipei 50c orchid aerogramme First day cover................K825
SOLOMON IS 1976 Telegram Envelope, Honiara oval datestamp, scarce.........51307W
SOLOMON IS 1974 Official cover AUKI OHMS Red meter Dist Engineer..........95622A
SOLOMON IS 1995 Airmail cover to NZ VISIT SOUTH PACIFIC YEAR slogan.......12172
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