Could not upload by Bulk Lister

I found recently that I can not use Bulk Lister to upload any new items. After Upload/Save and Process File, it always show "Success! Your file will begin processing shortly" , but in fact there is no increase in the listings.

I tried both basic template and expert templet (all fields), could not got through both.

Really stumbled. I like to know if other people have same problem recently too. Whats happen with the Bulk Lister?

Attached a screenshot of my upload file with all fields, its a csv file, use Basic Template. I must say a csv file on Basic Template worked very well till several weeks ago.



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Go to the Members Area > Selling > Seller Tools > Reports section. You can download a report of your last csv file that you uploaded, and if there are any errors with any items it will be in the report, along with an explanation as to what needs to be corrected.
  • Thank you Mark. I have downloaded the report, I found the Status in the report is Failure, due to "The 'w/Another Item' field cannot be empty for any row where a Postage Location is set..." as the Note put it. However I found there is no field named "w/Another" both in basic or all fields template.

    The full content of the note as below:
    ERRORS: The "w/Another Item" field cannot be empty for any row where a Postage Location is set. To ship this item for free, when it ships with another item, enter 0.00 in the "w/Another Item" field; or re-enter the full Postage Cost, if you do not want to offer any discount when it ships with another item.

    I have tried to add a field with title of "w/Another" and still can not got through.
  • Hi Du Wei,

    Try it again now. This was referring to your Default Shipping settings. I made a quick update for you and it should work as expected now. We'll review the error message as well to see if we can make it more clear.
  • I thing your column A is wrong.

    A B C
    listing_type category_id name
    product 0 Denmark 577 mint never hinged (DT)

    Column A should be "Listing Type"

  • Thats great! Have uploaded all successfully. Thanks Mark!

    Thanks Robert, I only Basic fields to upload, there is no listing_type field in the basic template.
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