Scan Resolution

Thinking about selling some of my US mint duplicates. What resolution of scan do most of you sellers use? I have many options with Epson. Also any tips on getting started will be appreciated. I already have an account, both on Hip Stamp and PayPal. For pricing, would 50% of Scott value be a good start price (plus P&H)?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Welcome to Hip Stamp.
    I scan the stamps at 600 dpi unless it is a full sheet or pane of 20, then I scan at 400 dpi. There is a limit on the size of each image.
    And yes, some of us price at 20 - 50% of Catalogue Value. The postage would be set up when you set your store up.
    I'm sure others will be chiming in to help you.

    Good Luck!
  • Like Luree, I also scan at 600. However, I do so because I may be interested in enlarging the images in the future for research or artistic endeavors or whatever. If I were scanning my stamps simply for sale, I would scan at 300.

  • I scan front and bac at 600 DPI. Smaller scans are no longer acceptable to some buyers. I have experimented with 800 DPI for small format stamps. Large format stamps like US Duck stamps may be scanned at 400 DPI.

    Another way to approach scan size is to target the final image to be no wider than 1200 pixels. This assumes that the image is properly cropped and reasonably straight.

    Most scans on stamp eCommerce sites appear dull because tonal range is compressed. Software like Photoshop Elements or free picture editing software may be used to expand tonal levels.

    Also, it goes without saying, do not edit .jpg files. Save the original scan as a .tif file. Edit the file and export a smaller optimized .jpg file from the finished .tif file.

    Include the catalog number and an inventory number in every file name.
  • At this point, I would like to thank the three respondents as of this time. Still not sure if I want to pursue this project or not. Due to receive a very large estate collection tomorrow and will be able to better make a decision at that time.
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