
For some reason, I am again seeing a lot of stamps that have previously been sold reappearing as an item for sale without my knowledge. I always check for duplicate listings when I have listed, so it is not something I have missed, but is a bug in the system. I have had this problem in the past and it usually appears for a short period of time and then goes away for a while. Is anyone else having this problem? I just wish they would fix the few small problems and leave alone. I know that bugs keeps programmers working, but...


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • edited October 2022 1 LikesVote Down
    Here is an example of the issue I tried to describe above:
    When I sort my listings by Country/ Catalogue Number i get the fowwing result
    <img src="" alt="listings" title="listings"
    Note that Scott #3136L does not appear (in sequence or otherwise).
    When I search my listings for 3136L, the stamp shows as being available.
    This problem is especially prevalent when the Scott number has an l, m, or n suffix, but also occurs randomly.
    Shouldn’t I have confidence that ALL my listings will appear when I sort them by Country/ Catalogue Number?
  • Hi Harry! Would you mind sharing a sample listing that was affected by this issue?
  • edited October 2022 0 LikesVote Down
    I have also experienced a large number of apparent duplicate listing in the last two months. I attributed it to user error (e.g., clicking the Create New Listing icon instead of the Edit listing icon or some other fault on my part). I am, however, very vigilant when it comes to reviewing my listings and feel there may be something else at play here. For example, I have found that lots sometimes do not appear when I search my Listings prior to adding an item I know was in my inventory previously. I add the item, search on the Scott number again, and suddenly find two listings for the same item. This is a problem if undetected when the new listing contains multiples of the same item (e.g., had one MNH booklet pane and added another) because the site now shows more inventory than I have in stock. I’m absolutely certain that this has happened to me on several occasions.
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