USA Philatelic catalog

edited October 2016 in Chatter 1 LikesVote Down
I had not received a USPS catalog for months now so I went on the USPS web site and requested one. They sent me the one for the 2nd quarter of 2016. Great service, huh? And if you go on-line to read the "most recent' it is the same one, now 6 months old. Why does the Postal Service keep shooting themselves in the foot. Ever since the closing of the Providence philatelic center and the great service that Donna Rajotte provided, I keep asking myself why should I keep on collecting new US issues.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Wayne,
    I stopped collecting U.S. issues after 1929, Roosevelt and Farley did it for me. Heck I thought they had ruined the hobbie until I got stamps from Sharjah and all the rest of the poster stamp countries.
  • You cannot be that old.Ha Ha.
    And yes the postal service is rejecting their most profitable customers, that is, Collectors.
  • Oh man...let me tell you..working in Lake Charles LA. Walked into a post office to mail out some orders---no one around!!! Rang the bell..waited....I think they have shot themselves in the foot..cut backs, poor management..slow service....I always drop my orders off in the blue stand ups outside..don't want to see them fail, but I agree they are digging a very big hole...
  • I received in the mail today the USPS catalog for the 3rd quarter. I hadn't even requested a catalog. Maybe they had an overstock. This issue is promoting the new USPS Stamp App.
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