What is it? Anyone here well versed in Czech Postal History

I've had a few of these for a while and since I'm cleaning house, thought I'd see if I could figure out what they are. It's a great Prague cancel and I have not been able to find it or a whole example to identify what kind of card these came from. I suspect they may have been some form of package delivery confirmation card that the PO department used. The Prague cancels are all dated April 15, 1938 which is a few months before the German occupation. It's a shame the collector didn't keep the whole cards. The first pic is the fronts, the second is the backs. Any clues?Czech Card Cancel1
Czech Card Cancel2


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • edited February 2023 0 LikesVote Down
    The front says, for postage stamp / signature of post office official
    The back translates: "record in the delivery card" and
    "transitional paper"
    Could it be a postal money order?
  • Thanks, That looks pretty close, Hungarian I believe. I had translated what few words were on my pieces but it all related to postal offices, postal officials marks, etc. and nothing more useful. The "Postautalvany" on yours translates to Postal Order and at the top, the "Kifizetesi szam" translates to Payment No, so I'm good with that. Again, Thanks
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