More proof that the Feedback System needs an overhaul

edited September 2022 in Questions 2 LikesVote Down
I just checked my email and much to my surprise, a recent buyer left me three feedbacks, two of which were 'negative' (my first ones ever).
However, the comments associated with both negatives read: "Very nice stamps and fast to arrive. Thanks very much and highly recommended."
Clearly the buyer hit the negatives in error. Is there some way these can be fixed?
This fits right into the previous discussions on how difficult it is for newbies to leave feedback.


  • 32 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Maybe the buyer is in the medical profession and Negative is a good thing?
  • I used to be, Harry, and I sure don't.
  • George Just contact Hipstamp and ask them to remove it. It was clearly an error.
  • In the past, they have changed negatives to neutral for me in such cases which still "looks bad" to anyone concerned with feedback, but is much better than the negative. Personally I don't see that it is difficult to leave feedback. Simply click on feedback and leave your comment. The default value is "positive", so your buyer needs to actually click to get a negative or neutral classification.
  • I recently had this happen to me. Positive comments but a negative feedback was left. I contacted the buyer and he said it was a mistake on his part. We both contacted HipStamp independently and asked for the negatives (multiple lots) to be removed. They were very soon afterward. I don't remember if the feedback was just dropped or changed to positive, but the negatives were removed and they were not changed to neutral. I think the reason HipStamp jumped in and made the change quickly was because the buyer contacted them before I did - if it was just me that contacted them they may have done nothing.
  • Hip will NOT change feedback for sny reason. They will remove it, though.
  • Won't change it for any reason, but will pile on the automated for any reason.

    Dead horse, I know, sorry, not sorry.
  • I'm still in favor of removing it entirely. What's the point?
    It would be better to just list the number of sales and the number of purchases for any account. That would essentially give you the same thing as "autofeedback". Positive, negatives, neutrals are just to enable the trolls.

    Or, dump it all. The value I see in "sellers" is that the number gives some level of "comfort" to buyers that the seller has credibility. But I have buyers that have 0 "feedback', that are able to buy just as easily as someone who has 2,000. When I walk into Costco a little bubble doesn't appear above my head with the number of visits that I've made, or number of times I've gone through the checkout.

    There's not feedback as a "buyer" on Amazon. The "feedback" system is all a "me too" from eBay because someone thinks it needs to be there to "Be" another "eBay". It's useless. Autofeedback has made it even more useless, which is great.

    Any negs we've ever gotten have been from trolls and bottom feeders who have bought low-value material.
  • and...>POOF<.......they're gone.
    Thank you, HS Support !
  • George -do you mean positive feedback for sellers when you say >POOF< they're gone has been deleted? from my buyers perspective in the 2 sellers i checked they are still there which personally i wish they would be gone
  • Steve, there were 2 feedbacks from the same buyer, both with positive commentary but with negative icons. Support, according to an email I received, looked into it, agreed with my assessment and deleted both in their entirety (since they are unable to change negatives into positives).
  • George - thanks for reply my error - i thought you meant ALL positive feedback for ALL Sellers was being deleted which to me is useless garbage thanks again
  • I think this is a related question -- is feedback the only way you can tell if the buyer has received the order you sent? I do not send my orders with tracking - so is there another way thru Hipstamps that you can determine if they received it? I know as a buyer there is a place under Purchases to note if you received an order - but as a seller - I don't know how to find that info on HS. Can anyone help me on this?
  • Without any kind of shipping tracking and no feedback from the customer, I don't know how one can confirm receipt of any order.
  • Thanks - but is the purpose of noting that you received an order under the Purchase section for Hipstamps only? I religiously tag that when I buy thinking that the seller will see it!! I guess not!
  • know for the few purchases I make on HS, I always mark the items as received when I get them as well. But as a dealer with thousands of sales, I can't think of a way for me to see those items or orders that have marked by the customer as having been received. Interesting.....maybe I'm missing something.
  • I have asked HS help about this but have not received an answer. I really believe that is for the use of Hipstamps so they can track if there is an issue with someone - I guess. I will pursue with Hipstamps again.
    Thanks so much for your input.
  • Go under sold items, filter by received and the ones that are marked as such will show up. (Though that may not help too much as most people don't mark them.)
  • edited October 2022 0 LikesVote Down
    Well...I'll know!!! I never even thought to do that. Thanks! Learned something new today!

    And another things to do simple math on. Turns out that 55% of my total orders left a received notice. That's actually better than I thought it might be.
  • I also learned something new. However, mine was only 45%.
  • Mine was 41%
  • As a customer, I just want to say that I always mark my orders received when I get them, just before I leave feedback. Ok. Maybe not the day I get them, but when I've had a chance to open the envelope.
  • useful Tip, Thanks I got 49% But, my metric is if they don't write to tell me it is not received then it is received :-)

  • I guess 55% is looking pretty good so far. I'll take it! :smiley:
  • Greg, you are doing well mine is 42%.
  • 51% for us. (50.94 to be exact).
  • As a buyer I am at 100%. Sorry about the rest.
  • I have regular buyers and they are the ones that mark the items as received.
  • Michael - thanks alot for the info - very helpful. The FORUM is awesome - once again!
    FYI - I show right at 50% documenting receipt from buyers. As a buyer myself - I am 100%. I need to start reminding my buyers when I acknowledge their order.
    Thanks again.
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