
  • 29 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • edited October 2021 3 LikesVote Down
    Hi Rene, My intent here was (read my opening line) was to do just that. George is 100% correct in what he posted.. slightly reduced covers can be very collectible, but the buyer needs to be aware as few dealers mention it. A second point is the scan showing types of Maritime Cancels.. (that probably was with the cover when the vendor aquired it) is in itself neutral.. you need the reference catalog that lists them, assigns a Type-Number, shows dated period of active use, an estimated/known population, and most importantly assigns an RR a Rarity Rating to show dollar value. The cancels on the back are to be expected New York & Brindisi, Italy a much used port on many routes. There is to my eye, no indication it ever reached Calcutta (without being Registered, no backstamp was manditory) @ Alan Jacobsen.. excellent point, but I think not.. one would not take a scissiors to a $25'000 cover just to fit an album page..
  • Well, my issue is look at the rest of this sellers items. He's making enormous claims in things. Like this:

    "Strip of 3 double error" where the "error" is "Small holes" and "Blind perfs". And because Scott has a value of --- it's some how "Very rare". It's not. The CV on a small hole stamp is $2. Having a blind perf is in my view, not even an "error", and is nowhere near the same as an imperf, which if this were an imperf line pair, it would have a minor entry for the 842 (which it doesn't). He's asking $2,000 for something that isn't worth $10. RIDICULOUS!

    And this listing:

    With a buffalo hoof just outside the vignette is a "Major EFO" demanding almost $900CV? Come on, a fast plane C3 doesn't go for that! A grounded one barely does. Just wild swings for very minor flyspecking issues, same with his C13. This guy is a shyster.
  • Omg , that stamp looks like it was digested and found afterwards !
  • I started this thread and I can't believe all the comments! I have handled similar covers over the years when I used to do stamp shows, and I would be lucky to get $25 for this item. India at this period is not a scarce destination from the U.S. If John Maloney thinks this might be worth the price, you should buy it! If you don't know the area you can find a lot of information on line to tell you what it might be worth. This lister of this item should be embarassed for listing this dog at this price.
  • I asked this seller about verification/ certification. He said that if someone buys it , THEN they can work on certification.
  • edited October 2021 1 LikesVote Down
    I checked that out. It's an interesting cover but truly, that seems rather excessive. His store has normal stuff, I might add but this could be a 'massive swing at a wild pitch'. I would ask the seller directly "what gives with this listing?" I've done that and 90% of the time they say they saw "others" ask foolish amounts ( usually on ETSY) and so they just copycat it. In this case, the seller seems to be a philatelist, with 100% positive feedback, so not the typical profile of a foolish listing. He really has appended an interesting explanation of the covers travels and Sea Post cancel, he seems to have spent time evaluating the unique nature of this cover. Since I'm not an expert on sea post covers, I would ask others opinions for sure.
  • I have no problem with this listing. If you have an item you don't really know the value of, but can see that it could be philatelicly significant, offering it for sale at a prohibitive price should attract people who know what it's worth. Then hopefully, someone contacts you who's an expert in whatever niche the item belongs.
  • A few words to the many new collectors here whoare more comfortable with Stamps than Covers
    1. Look at the 3rd scan, the backside.. See how the flap at the left stops abruptly.. goes nowhere close to the top corner. That is called REDUCTION.. or say the Cover has been Reduced.. It is a evere form of Damage.. the left side has clearly been cut down to create a straight edge avoid it.
  • Slightly reduced covers are fairly common, and I sell many of them. If the stamp and/or markings are good enough, reduction can be ignored if not too severe. Reduced high end covers show up, for example, in the Siegel auctions fairly regularly and sell.
  • edited October 2021 1 LikesVote Down
    One clue to look for is a cover opened on more than one side while also reduced. These are likely to have been trimmed to make them neater-looking. Some folks slit their covers at the top, but still caused a rip on one or both sides when opening, for example. Cutting open is and was a common practice. These should always be scanned on both sides when offered, especially since, as Dan noted, one can call the degree of the reduction by comparing the ends of the envelope's flap.
  • Thanks Dan!
  • Alan, "reduced" covers are frequently about how someone opened the letter to start with. They are also sometimes reduced because the original opening might have torn it really jagged, or has something that doesn't "look" right. So a collector/dealer/someone along the line, cuts it clean so it "presents better". Akin to reperfing on straight edge stamps.
    But there may be a lot of reasons why a cover is reduced.
  • totally agree... look at rest of for sale items. always tells a lot .... hahahahahahahaha says it all...............
  • And what's with this garbage in his "Description"

    Great britain stamp used in brazil - 6 p queen victoria plate 9 corner fault

    "Very Fine Examples Are Are Rare on Non-Existent"

    No returns on auctions under $100.00

    No returns on International orders

    Really, why no returns under $100... that's just ridiculous.
  • Two men say they're Jesus, one of the must be wrong...
  • Did Jesus say every stamp was an efo or did he turn that album of ordinary stamps into wine stamps?
  • Yeah, yeah, same old song and dance.
  • The Carletons were among the founding families of Rockport, Maine. They owned the largest and most prestigious shipyard on the Maine coast before the Civil War.
    Captain Carleton served in the Navy during interesting times. In 1853, when Commodore Perry "opened" Japan, Captain Carleton was there as his aide. He was fluent in Japanese and translated the negotiations between the Commodore and representatives of the Emperor. He spent the Civil War patrolling the Pacific coast.
    The Captain has the distinction of winning the only naval battle of the Indian Wars when he successfully defended 2 merchant ships anchored near the coast of Oregon Territory, in 1873.
    By the 1880s, he had retired to his home in Maine where he wrote a scathing history of the Franklin Pierce administration, which ruined his relationship with Nathaniel Hawthorne who was a close friend of Pierce as well.
    When he died in 1890, the Governor of Maine proclaimed 3 days of mourning.
    The good Captain is buried in the family cemetery, in Rockport.
  • Sorry, Rene. I made that up.
  • Man am I glad I didn't leave the comment I was planning to... ;)
  • edited October 2021 0 LikesVote Down
    1886 dated from Maine to India well that's cool maybe just because I live in Maine least most my life but I also collect India stamps mostly Postage Due/Revenue and love the King and elephant Indian Stamps! But like listed above $25 maybe but $25,000 maybe if it had multiple Penny Black's and Jack Black's used on cover!
  • edited October 2021 0 LikesVote Down
    Dan , that is an interesting observation. I guess I can say I "reduce" envelopes everyday when I open them on the side with a scissors ( I just cut them open). BUT these are purposely trimmed to make them appear "neater" , is that it? BTW, I have learned something today, that is part of what I define as a "good day".
  • Why reduce?
    To fit mounts, maybe?
  • " would not take a scissiors to a $25'000 cover just to fit an album page..."

    True. But you would think one would not sign their name on the back of a multi million dollar stamp.
  • Well, I didn't say I thought it was worth $25,000.00. I said I didn't have a problem with the listing. No one is going to buy it! But one doesn't list something at $25,000 with the realistic expectation of actually selling it. They do it to create a stir and it sure did attract some attention. I have no idea what it's worth.
  • Scott, isn't that the truth, right!!
  • edited October 2021 0 LikesVote Down
    I do not think the seller even knows any of this, good find.
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