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U102, UPSS #244 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $300.00
Wo46 1c Wrapper Used - Weather Service - Penalty Clause
U96, UPSS #235a Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $200.00
U99, UPSS #240 SPECIMEN FORM 14 Envelope
U94, UPSS #231 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $250.00
U96, UPSS #235 SPECIMEN FORM 14 Envelope
U93, UPSS #229 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $250.00
U217, UPSS #642-7 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat 300.00
U71, UPSS #139 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $200.00
U454a, UPSS 2822-19 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat. $240.00
U70, UPSS #138a - Brown Red - Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $300.00 - Uncommon
W81, UPSS #164-2 USED FOLDED Wrapper to County Judge - Marion, IL
U67, UPSS #136 Mint Envelope, WELLS FARGO Imprint
W81, UPSS #164-2 SPECIMEN Form 14 FOLDED Wrapper
U66, UPSS #136A 9c Lemon Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $600.00 - SCARCE
W77, UPSS #153 USED Folded Wrapper, UPSS Cat $75.00
U45, UPSS #101 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $700.00
U250 4c Envelopes (2) USED Uprated to Europe
U44, UPSS #100 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $600.00
U39, UPSS #88 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $150.00
U11, UPSS #23 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $400.00
W158, UPSS #358-5 Mint Folded Wrapper, UPSS Cat $200.00
U58 3c Envelope USED - WELLS FARGO Imprint - San Francisco, CA to Gold Hill, NV
U136, UPSS #312-2 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $85.00
U59 3c Envelope - PACIFIC UNION EXPRESS Imprint - 1868 San Francisco CDS
W126, UPSS #301-2 Mint Folded Wrapper, UPSS Cat $325.00
U59 USED - WELLS FARGO Imprint - Suisun to San Francisco
U108, UPSS #254-2 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $275.00
U58 3c Envelope - WELLS FARGO Imprint - OFFSET - Unusual
U86, UPSS #211-2 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $55.00
U85, UPSS #204-2 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $47.50
U80, UPSS #161-2 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $17.00
W77, UPSS #153 Mint Folded Wrapper, UPSS Cat $85.00
U33 10c Star Die USED Envelope - WELLS FARGO Imprint - REBACKED
U208, UPSS #622-7 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $180.00
U33 10c Star Die USED Envelope w/#35 - WELLS FARGO Imprint - NY to ME
U271, UPSS #750-6 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $550.00
U19, UPSS #31a Envelope - CANCELED New Haven, CT
U277 2c Mint Envelope - GRAY'S IRON LINE Imprint
U18a, UPSS #28a 10c Nesbitt USED Envelope - San Francisco, CA to NY
U64, UPSS #132 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $80.00
U18a, UPSS #28a 10c Nesbitt USED Envelope - Selma, IN to CA - 1856
U15 10c Nesbitt Envelope USED - Sonora, Ca to MA
U40, UPSS #93 Mint Envelope, UPSS Cat $75.00
U14 6c Nesbitt Envelope USED - San Francisco, CA to Utica, NY
W57, Upss #121 Mint Unfolded Wrapper, Upss Cat 50.00
U13 6c Nesbitt Envelope USED - Nevada City, CA to MI
U34, UPSS #66 Mint Envelope, Printed Address
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