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eBay Power Seller since 1998 (stamplock), Now becomes stamplot here. In addition to sell stamps from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, also has many wonderful items from all over the world. I accept Paypal only.
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China 1944-46 PaiCheng 2nd Print SYS 百城二版無齒 ($2 Imperf) MNH CV$20
0m 21s
China 1944-46 PaiCheng 2nd Print SYS 百城二版無齒 ($2 Imperf, 1 pair) MNH CV$40
1m 27s
China 1946 London 3rd Print SYS Issue 倫敦三版孫像票 (5v Cpt) MNH
2m 35s
China 1946 London 3rd Print SYS 倫敦三版孫像票 (5v Cpt, B/4) MNH
3m 44s
China 1945 Victory in WWII (4v Cpt) MNH
4m 50s
China 1945 New Treaties of Equality (6v Cpt) MNH
5m 58s
China 1945 Chungking DahTung Print SYS 重慶大東版孫像票 (4v Cpt) MNH
7m 6s
China 1945 20th Annive. Death of National Father SYS (6v Cpt) MNH
8m 13s
China 1946 Shanghai DahTung 1st Print SYS 上海大東一版孫像票 (11v Cpt) MNH
9m 23s
China 1947 Shanghai DahTung 2nd Print SYS 上海大東二版孫像票 (17v Cpt) MNH
10m 34s
China 1948 Shanghai DahTung 3rd Print SYS 上海大東三版孫像票 (12v Cpt) MNH
11m 43s
China 1946 National Assembly Stamp (4v Cpt) MNH
12m 50s
China 1946 National Assembly Stamp (4v Taiwan) MNH CV$16+
13m 58s
China 1946 National Assembly Stamp (4v NE China) MNH CV$15+
15m 6s
China 1946 60th Birth-Day of CKS (6v Cpt.) MNG CV$18
16m 13s
China 1947 60th Birth-Day of CKS (6v Cpt. For Taiwan ) MNG CV$24
17m 21s
China 1947 60th Birth-Day of CKS (6v Cpt. For NE China ) MNG CV$24
18m 28s
China 1947 Return to Nanking ( 5v Cpt ) MNH CV$14+
19m 35s
China 1947 Return to Nanking ( 5v Cpt, For Taiwan ) MNH CV$20+
20m 43s
China 1947 Return to Nanking (5v Cpt, For NE China ) MNH CV$15+
21m 51s
China 1947 Teacher's Day, Life of Confucius (4v Cpt.) MNH
22m 59s
China 1947 Mobile Post Office & Postal Kiosk (4v Cpt) MNG
24m 9s
China 1947-48 Restoration of Taiwan (4v, 2 Cpt Sets) MNH
25m 15s
China 1947 50th Annive. of General P.O. (5v Cpt.) MNH
26m 20s
China 1947 Adoption of New Constitution (3v Cpt.) MNH
27m 27s
China 1948 Stamp Exhibition in Nanking & Shanghai (4v Cpt.) MNH
28m 35s
China 1948 Turberculosis Relief Fund (6v Cpt.) MNH
29m 43s
China 1949 Shanghai Print SYS Gold Yuan Stamp (Engraved, 9v+2v Cpt) MNH
30m 51s
China 1949 Shanghai Print SYS Gold Yuan Stamp (Flat Plate, 12 Cpt) MNH
31m 58s
China 1949 Summer Palace, Silver Yuan Stamp (2v Cpt) MNH
33m 8s
China 1949 Summer Palace, Silver Yuan Stamp (2v Cpt w Shifting Variety) MNH
34m 21s
China 1949 Hwa-nan Pt SYS Silver Yuan Stamp (6v, Coarse Impression) MNH CV$15
35m 27s
China 1949 Rev Surch. as Silver Yuan Stamp (by Union Press. 50c/$50) MNH CV$35+
36m 38s
China 1949 Rev Surch as Silver Yuan Stamp (by Cheng Chung Bk Co. 4v Cpt) MNH
37m 51s
China 1949 Rev Surch as Silver Yuan Stamp (by San Yi Printing Press. 3v Cpt) MNH
39m 3s
PR China 1949 "Jiangxi 江西 People's Post" On Gold Yuan Rev (6v, Cpt) MNH
40m 31s
RO China, Taiwan 1957 World Scout Jubilee Jamboree, England (3v Cpt) MNH
7h 51m
RO China- Taiwan 1958 Declaratlon of Human Rights (4v Cpt) MNH
7h 52m
RO China- Taiwan 1958 Various Insects in Natural Colors (6v Cpt) MNH CV$22
7h 53m
RO China- Taiwan 1958 Adoption of the constitution (4v Cpt) MNH CV$9+
7h 54m
RO China-Taiwan 1958 10th Anniversary of The WHO (3v Cpt) MNH
7h 55m
RO China- Taiwan 1958 Beautiful Orchids in Natural Colors (4v Cpt) MNH CV$22
7h 56m
RO China- Taiwan 1958 UNESCO Headquarters (4v Cpt) MNH
7h 57m
RO China- Taiwan 1959 Leaders of Democracy (2v Cpt) MNH
7h 59m
RO China- Taiwan 1959 Leaders of Democracy (2v Cpt, B/4) MNH
8h 0m
RO China- Taiwan 1959 Free Trade Unions 10 Annive. (3v Cpt) MNH
8h 1m
RO China- Taiwan 1960 Eisenhower's visit to Taiwan (2v Cpt) MNH
8h 2m
RO China-Taiwan 1960 The "Thunder Tiger" Aerobatic Team (3v Cpt) MNH CV$28
8h 3m |
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