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MEXICO 1938 commercial airmail cover to UK.................................49214
MEXICO 1964 Qantas first flight cover to London............................10606
MEXICO 1942 Airmail censor cover to USA....................................10446
MEXICO 1941 Airmail censor cover to London.................................10611
MEXICO 1909 2c on cover to UK - Mexico machine cancel......................10609
MEXICO 1952 KLM first flight cover to Amsterdam............................58521
MEXICO Early 5c envelope unused.........................................60388
MEXICO 1943 Commercial airmail censor cover to UK..........................10612
MEXICO 10 Perf Hidalgos - various values & overprints......................A3201
MEXICO Early postcard - unused - with reply card attached..................66229
MEXICO 1911 1c postcard used...............................................66206
MEXICO REVENUES - selection early issues...................................A2871
MEXICO 1943 Airmail censor cover to USA....................................50502
MEXICO 1952 KLM first flight cover to Amsterdam............................58521
MEXICO 10 Perf Hidalgos - various values & overprints......................A3206
MEXICO Early postcard - unused - with reply card attached..................66227
MEXICO 1903 1c postcard used...............................................60560
MEXICO Lettercard - 40c Archeology.........................................58618
MEXICO Early 2c postcard unused............................................a3107
MEXICO Early postcard - unused - with reply card attached..................66228
MEXICO Early postcard - unused - with reply card attached..................66204
MEXICO 1912 1c postcard used...............................................66207
MEXICO Early 5c envelope - unused..........................................60540
MEXICO 1892 3c postcard used to Germany....................................60380
MEXICO Early 5c envelope - unused..........................................58522
MEXICO 1872 25c imperf ORIZAVA 31-73 fine used........................A2420
MEXICO Early postcard - unused - with reply card attached..................66164
MEXICO Early postcard - unused - with reply card attached..................10444
MEXICO Early postcard - unused - with reply card attached..................66208
MEXICO 1889 3c postcard used to Germany....................................60370
MEXICO 1892 5c postcard used ..............................................66237
MEXICO Early 10c envelope - unused.........................................60539
MEXICO Lettercard - 15c Postman - unused...................................58791
MEXICO Lettercard - 5c Torre Del Los Remedios - unused.....................58792
MEXICO Early postal stationery envelope - unused...........................a4655
MEXICO Early postal stationery envelope - unused...........................a4646
MEXICO Early postal stationery envelope - unused...........................a4673
MEXICO Early postal stationery envelope - unused...........................a4654
MEXICO Early postal stationery envelope - unused...........................a4687
MEXICO Early postal stationery envelope - unused...........................a4650
MEXICO Early postal stationery envelope - unused...........................a4649
MEXICO 5c postcard - oval cancel TAMAULIPAS................................A4645
MEXICO Early postal stationery envelope - unused...........................a4599
MEXICO Early postal stationery envelope - unused...........................a4596
MEXICO Early postal stationery envelope - unused...........................a4622
MEXICO 1891 5c envelope - locally used in Sucursal.........................a4586
MEXICO 1894 10c envelope used - Hidalgo cds................................a4584
MEXICO 1909 5c envelope used...............................................60543
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