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NORFOLK IS 1947-59 Ball Bay 2/- changed colour block of 4 MNH...............N238
NORFOLK IS 1947-59 Ball Bay 3d & 2/- changed colours blks of 4 MNH..........N237
NORFOLK IS 1947 Ball Bay 2/- on FDC to New Caledonia........................X204
NORFOLK IS 1995 local cover postage paid in cash - Violet cds..............42776
NORFOLK IS 1995 local cover - 5c local print ex booklet....................42782
NORFOLK IS 1947 Ball Bay 2/- on FDC to New Caledonia........................X201
NORFOLK IS 1995 cover to New Zealand - 30c MS Chantik.....................42787
NORFOLK IS 1969 cover to New Zealand - nice franking.......................B2683
NORFOLK IS 1989 cover with large cinderella, 5c local + 70c commem.........B3497
NORFOLK IS 1990 cover large size INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE handstamp ex NZ......a3096
NORFOLK IS 1947-59 Ball Bay 2/- changed colour block of 4 MNH...............N239
NORFOLK IS 1985 airmail cover to Australia.................................77383
NORFOLK IS 1974 200th Anniv Discovery by Cook, blocks of 4 fine used.......64979
NORFOLK IS Australia formula aerogramme with 10d Salt House added..........B7720
NORFOLK IS Australia formula aerogramme with 10d Slaughter Bay added.......B7719
NORFOLK IS 1982 Whales set complete gutter strips with plate imprint MNH..A4814a
NORFOLK IS 1947 cover - Australia Peace set - Norfolk cds..................67286
NORFOLK IS 1947 Ball Bay 1/- on FDC to New Caledonia........................X181
NORFOLK IS 1940 CENSOR 2 handstamp on cover - Australia franking...........33579
NORFOLK IS 1985 Christmas set in gutter blocks MNH........................A4811a
NORFOLK IS 1982 Military Uniforms set in gutter blocks MNH.................A4804
NORFOLK IS 1986 30c commem envelope uprated commercially used to NZ........77225
NORFOLK IS 1962 Official mail cover to Australia...........................94011
NORFOLK IS 1981 24c Thanksgiving envelope FDC later commercially used .....B3494
NORFOLK IS 1986 36c commem envelope uprated commercially used to NZ........B3495
NORFOLK IS 1990 cover INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE NZ stamps paying postage due....a3098
NORFOLK IS 1989 cover with large cinderella, 5c local + 70c commem.........B3500
NORFOLK IS 1989 cover with large cinderella, 5c local + 70c commem.........B3499
NORFOLK IS 1994 Official mail cover to Australia...........................97426
NORFOLK IS 1988 Official mail cover to Australia...........................94012
NORFOLK IS 2001 Sth Pac Games Postage Paid owl postcard - Triathlon........B3890
NORFOLK IS 1995 cover to NIUE, returned to sender..........................42660
NORFOLK IS 1963 Official mail cover to Australia...........................97410
NORFOLK IS 1979 cover to New Zealand - great franking......................B3643
NORFOLK IS 1976 cover to USA - 150th Anniv self adhesives..................73568
NORFOLK ISLAND Australia GV 2d with part Norfolk Island cds................7058
NORFOLK IS 1988 Official mail cover to Australia..........................94014a
NORFOLK IS 1983 Official mail cover to Australia...........................97413
NORFOLK IS 2001 Overseas Postage Paid Birds postcard used..................B3815
NORFOLK IS 2001 Overseas Postage Paid Birds postcard used..................B3817
NORFOLK IS 1963 small official cover to Australia..........................67269
NORFOLK IS 1978 Official mail cover to Australia...........................97416
NORFOLK IS 1984 Official mail cover to Australia...........................94013
NORFOLK IS 1975 1c local rate Rotary commem cover..........................B3637
NORFOLK ISLAND Australia GV 2d with part Norfolk Island cds................7064
NORFOLK IS 1990 Air New Zealand first flight cover to Christchurch.........B1570
NORFOLK IS 1989 local 5c rate commercial cover - violet cds................B1614
NORFOLK IS 1980 cover - Last Day of Penny Postage - commem cancel..........A731
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